Spring 2019 Programme of Local Events (including Friday Nights at St Augustine’s)

All events below are held at St Augustine’s Church and Community Centre in Richmond Road and are open to all. Entry is normally free, although a small charge or retiring collection may be held where fees are requested by speakers or performers. A complimentary glass of wine or fruit juice and nibbles are served at most events.

The programme is supported by Richmond, Oxford and Windsor Roads’ Residents’ Associations, and the Benson Area Residents’ Association, and compiled by St Augustine’s Church. Details at www.churchatcastle.org.uk & https://stas.org.uk .

FRIDAY 1 MARCH     6 – 7.30 PM                                 UNDER MILK WOOD  

A night for the film buffs! To celebrate St David’s Day, a big screen showing of Dylan Thomas’s outstanding poetic drama Under Milk Wood produced by BBC Wales and performed by a collage of famous Welsh voices and faces, including Tom Jones and Bryn Terfel. Not suitable for young children and parental guidance for those under 12 years.

This sets the scene for the following evening featuring more poetry and music “Told Round the Fireside” – see below.

SATURDAY 2 MARCH   6 –7 PM                       TOLD ROUND THE FIRESIDE

An evening of music, poetry and stories on the theme of Home to raise money for Shelter’s work with the homeless – with Isy Mead and Philip Mead (piano). The winners of a competition for original poetry on the same theme will be invited to read their poems and receive their prize.  Poems judged by Michael Harrison and John Hegley.

SATURDAY 16 MARCH   7 – 11 PM                               QUIZ NIGHT

                                                                                “SPRINGTIME FOR BREXIT”

Put the politics of Brexit aside for a few hours, and join Cambridge Operatic Society for a quiz evening of good humour, great company, music and show business-themed questions, with Geoff Reed at the helm as Quizmaster. Sign up by following the link https://eventbrite.co.uk/o/cambridge-operatic-society-18519356354 or email: secretary@caosweb.org                         An admission charge will apply for this event.

FRIDAY 22 MARCH   6 – 7 PM                               TO BE A PILGRIM?

What is the difference between going on a pilgrimage and going on a walk? What makes pilgrimage a universal cultural phenomenon? Why has there been a resurgence of interest in spiritual journeying?  Drawing on her experience as a long-distance walker, Camino pilgrim and one-time medieval researcher, Gill Mead will look at the history of pilgrimage and attempt to discover why, even in this day and age, “longen folk to goon on pilgrimages”.

SUNDAY 24 MARCH     1.45 – 4 PM                          SUNDAY ART WALK

Time for personal reflection and group discussion on the spiritual aspects of art on a gentle stroll around the public art freely available in parts of West Cambridge. Cream teas available on return to St Augustine’s.             Led by the Rev Dr Janet Bunker


Come and view an exhibition of beautiful sculptures and art work by Jayne Ruffell-Ward, on the theme of birds. The work will be exhibited alongside outstanding photographs of birds and the Suffolk landscape by Mark Wills.  The exhibition will be open all week-end.


Join us for a concert of piano music performed by Marion Caldwell, inspired by the art work in the exhibition. The concert will include works by Maurice Ravel, Amy Beach and Robert Schumann. Followed by a buffet supper. 


Zero Gravity, Cambridge’s Recorder Band, directed by Evelyn Nallen,  present an afternoon of music by Wren and Woodcock, with Music for a Bird and ending with A Wild Goose Chase!  A fitting finale to a week-end dedicated to our feathered friends.


Utopia means either “the good place” or “no place”. In his story News from Nowhere (1890), William Morris imagines the perfectly happy society and calls it “nowhere”. Nearly 60 years later, George Orwell does the opposite in Nineteen Eighty Four, imagining the sort of society we now call Dystopia. But in some ways, Utopia and Dystopia resemble one another.  Clive Wilmer, poet and critic, Emeritus Fellow at Sidney Sussex College, and Master of John Ruskin’s Guild of St George, explains all.           

………….  and don’t forget on SUNDAY 3 FEBRUARY,  SUNDAY 3 MARCH, SUNDAY 7 APRIL and SUNDAY 5 MAY come and share a COMMUNITY LUNCH starting at 1 pm : two courses with wine or fruit juice for only £4.50 per head.

And why not enjoy a coffee and cake at Café@99?  Open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10.30am to 12 pm at St Augustine’s in Richmond Road – a café run by and for the local community. An opportunity to share a conversation, write a poem, browse a newspaper, or simply relax.  Hosted by RRRA and St Augustine’s.

Christmas tree backdrop

Advent 2018 – countdown to Christmas

Events every day in December 2018 in and around St Augustine’s to prepare for Christmas – these events are in addition to our usual calendar.

  • SUNDAY 2
    9.30-10.30 am Advent Sunday Service with Holy Communion. Children’s activities. Coffee
  • MONDAY 3
    10.30 am-12 noon Christmas Coffee Shop
    4.40-5.30 pm Come and join 1st NW Cambridge Rainbows as we take on a ‘Cheer Challenge’ and learn what makes a good cheerleader and have a go at creating our own cheerleader chants!
    6-7 pm Soiree with Gill and Phil Mead playing recorder and harpsichord music (local location – contact us for details)
    10.30 am-12 noon Christmas Coffee Shop
    6.30-7.30 pm 38th Cambridge Guides Crafts – Come and join the 38th Cambridge Guides for Christmas crafts. Suitable for children and adults
  • FRIDAY 7
    10.30 am-12 noon Christmas Coffee Shop
    6-7 pm Friday Nights at St. Augustine’s. Bell ringing for all – a talk by Barbara Le Gallez
    6-7 pm An International Choral Christmas – A concert by St. Augustine’s Singers
  • SUNDAY 9
    9.30-10.30 am Holy Communion for the 2nd Sunday of Advent. Children’s activities. Coffee
    2-4 pm Christmas Jazz Piano Concert with Colin Hazel
  • MONDAY 10
    10.30 am-12 noon Christmas coffee Shop
    6-7 pm The Brownies invite you to share their camp fire! Families with young children especially welcome.
  • TUESDAY 11
    6.30- 8.00 pm C@C Carols at Eddington – Meet outside Sainsburys for an evening carolling around the new development
    7.30 pm – lateish Parish Men’s Group, with Ladies! The service of Compline followed by Advent readings by participants and finally a modest Christmas party. All welcome. Local location – contact us for details.
    10.30 am- 12 Noon Christmas Coffee Shop
    5.45-7.00 pm Upper Room Bible Study group in the Oxford Room. A showing of a dramatic DVD of St. John’s Gospel
    7.30-9.00 Come and help our Rangers raise money for the World Scout Jamboree. Café and edible Christmas tree decorations.
  • FRIDAY 14
    10.30 am-12 noon Christmas Coffee Shop
    6-7 pm Friday Nights at St Augustine’s, Rev’d Dr Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, reads a selection of his own poetry
    1-2 pm An International Choral Christmas Concert by St. Augustine’s Singers at Michaelhouse, Trinity Street
  • SUNDAY 16
    9.30-10.30 am Holy Communion for the 3rd Sunday of Advent. Children’s activities. Coffee
  • MONDAY 17
    10.30 am-12 noon Christmas Coffee Shop
    4-4.30 pm Parish Prayer Circle in the Darwin Room. Join us for prayers for individuals and the community
  • TUESDAY 18
    6.30 pm Join St Augustine’s Singers carol singing in “The Square” [Eachard Road, Hoadly Road etc]
    10.30 am- 12 noon Christmas Coffee Shop
    2-3.30 pm Tea with the Vicar – tea and conversation with Rev’d Dr Janet Bunker
  • FRIDAY 21
    10.30 am-12 noon Christmas Coffee Shop
    6-7 pm Friday Nights at St Augustine’s – Here we come a-caroling. Philip Mead gives a talk on the history of some well-known carols-with live musical examples!
    4-5.30 pm Community Carol Service
  • SUNDAY 23
    9.30-10.30 am Holy Communion for the 4th Sunday of Advent. Children’s activities. Coffee
  • MONDAY 24
    10.30 am-12 noon. Christmas Eve Coffee Shop with Philip Mead providing seasonal background music on keyboards
    11.30 pm-12.30pm ChurchAtCastle Midnight Mass at St Augustine’s
  • TUESDAY 25
    9.30-10.30 am. Christmas Service with sung Eucharist at St Augustine’s