Welcome to St Augustine’s. Please click on the links above to find out more about our church and facilities. Church services are held at 9.30am most Sundays (further details).
Spring 2025 Events
You can find the dates with details in the calendar or download the full Programme HERE. All events are held at St Augustine’s Church and Community Centre in Richmond Road and are open to all. Entry is normally free, although a small charge or retiring collection may be held where fees are requested by speakers or performers. A complimentary glass of wine or fruit juice and nibbles are served at most events.
Serves tea, coffee and cakes every Monday and Friday morning from 10:30 am, run by Richmond Road Residents’ Association supported by the Church.
All profits go towards improving the facilities at St Augustine’s and to other local charities.
Opening time
Monday – 10:30am – 12:00pm
Friday – 10:30am – 12:00pm

The church, originally a primary school dates back to the late Victorian era. The building has recently undergone extensive upgrading of its facilities and is now a multi-functional space which hosts a variety of events from parents and toddlers to line dancing groups. The church can be hired out for functions and is widely used by the local community.
2018 marked the building’s 120th birthday.
Further information,
Safeguarding – Caring for children and vulnerable adults.
The Parish of the Ascension in all its churches is committed to safeguarding all those who attend the worship and other activities that we offer. Safeguarding promotes the welfare of children and vulnerable adults, and includes all actions to protect them from harm.
• The Parish of the Ascension follows recommended safeguarding practice in recruiting, training and supporting our ordained and lay ministers, our employees and our volunteers.
• We follow the House of Bishops’ Policy statement,‘Promoting a safer church‘ (2017) and guidelines from the Diocese of Ely
• The Parish of the Ascension’s Safeguarding Policy for children and vulnerable adults is available to download from homepage of the Parish’s website http://www.churchatcastle.org/
Any concerns can be discussed in confidence with our safeguarding officer, Angela Gibbs, who can be contacted by phoning 01223 356341 or by email to angegibbs65@gmail.com.
The Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor is Rebecca Boswell 01353 652731/07904 487912
The Local Authority Children’s Social Care contact numbers are 0345 045 5203 (8-6pm Monday to Friday) 01733 234 724 (out of hours)
The Local Authority Adult Social Care contact numbers are 0345 045 5202 8am to 6pm weekdays, 9am to 1pm Saturday
If someone is in danger and unable to protect themselves, or cannot remain in the community without immediate intervention, telephone: 01733 234 724
Please visit the Church At Castle website for details of the parish’s policies in areas such as environment, equal opportunities and health and safety. Links may be found here.