Events every day in December 2018 in and around St Augustine’s to prepare for Christmas – these events are in addition to our usual calendar.
9.30-10.30 am Advent Sunday Service with Holy Communion. Children’s activities. Coffee - MONDAY 3
10.30 am-12 noon Christmas Coffee Shop
4.40-5.30 pm Come and join 1st NW Cambridge Rainbows as we take on a ‘Cheer Challenge’ and learn what makes a good cheerleader and have a go at creating our own cheerleader chants! - TUESDAY 4
6-7 pm Soiree with Gill and Phil Mead playing recorder and harpsichord music (local location – contact us for details) - WEDNESDAY 5
10.30 am-12 noon Christmas Coffee Shop - THURSDAY 6
6.30-7.30 pm 38th Cambridge Guides Crafts – Come and join the 38th Cambridge Guides for Christmas crafts. Suitable for children and adults - FRIDAY 7
10.30 am-12 noon Christmas Coffee Shop
6-7 pm Friday Nights at St. Augustine’s. Bell ringing for all – a talk by Barbara Le Gallez - SATURDAY 8
6-7 pm An International Choral Christmas – A concert by St. Augustine’s Singers - SUNDAY 9
9.30-10.30 am Holy Communion for the 2nd Sunday of Advent. Children’s activities. Coffee
2-4 pm Christmas Jazz Piano Concert with Colin Hazel - MONDAY 10
10.30 am-12 noon Christmas coffee Shop
6-7 pm The Brownies invite you to share their camp fire! Families with young children especially welcome. - TUESDAY 11
6.30- 8.00 pm C@C Carols at Eddington – Meet outside Sainsburys for an evening carolling around the new development
7.30 pm – lateish Parish Men’s Group, with Ladies! The service of Compline followed by Advent readings by participants and finally a modest Christmas party. All welcome. Local location – contact us for details. - WEDNESDAY 12
10.30 am- 12 Noon Christmas Coffee Shop - THURSDAY 13
5.45-7.00 pm Upper Room Bible Study group in the Oxford Room. A showing of a dramatic DVD of St. John’s Gospel
7.30-9.00 Come and help our Rangers raise money for the World Scout Jamboree. Café and edible Christmas tree decorations. - FRIDAY 14
10.30 am-12 noon Christmas Coffee Shop
6-7 pm Friday Nights at St Augustine’s, Rev’d Dr Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, reads a selection of his own poetry - SATURDAY 15
1-2 pm An International Choral Christmas Concert by St. Augustine’s Singers at Michaelhouse, Trinity Street - SUNDAY 16
9.30-10.30 am Holy Communion for the 3rd Sunday of Advent. Children’s activities. Coffee - MONDAY 17
10.30 am-12 noon Christmas Coffee Shop
4-4.30 pm Parish Prayer Circle in the Darwin Room. Join us for prayers for individuals and the community - TUESDAY 18
6.30 pm Join St Augustine’s Singers carol singing in “The Square” [Eachard Road, Hoadly Road etc] - WEDNESDAY 19
10.30 am- 12 noon Christmas Coffee Shop - THURSDAY 20
2-3.30 pm Tea with the Vicar – tea and conversation with Rev’d Dr Janet Bunker - FRIDAY 21
10.30 am-12 noon Christmas Coffee Shop
6-7 pm Friday Nights at St Augustine’s – Here we come a-caroling. Philip Mead gives a talk on the history of some well-known carols-with live musical examples! - SATURDAY 22
4-5.30 pm Community Carol Service - SUNDAY 23
9.30-10.30 am Holy Communion for the 4th Sunday of Advent. Children’s activities. Coffee - MONDAY 24
10.30 am-12 noon. Christmas Eve Coffee Shop with Philip Mead providing seasonal background music on keyboards
11.30 pm-12.30pm ChurchAtCastle Midnight Mass at St Augustine’s - TUESDAY 25
9.30-10.30 am. Christmas Service with sung Eucharist at St Augustine’s